
Reports and data outputs are among the most important functions of any data application. With some exaggeration, one can say that such an application is worthless for most users without quality reports.

And not only the actual number of reports which the system can generate (currently over 150 different reports and exports) is important, but, first of all, how simply and intuitively the reports can be worked with.

Our report generator is built on an elaborate system of templates, planners and databases.

Very simply, for instance, it is possible to:

  • Create a report and save it in the favourite position for reuse
  • Save the report templates in process in template storage for later use
  • Modify, clone and copy the already created template
  • Share the created template with other users in the group
  • Create periodically generated reports based on “sliding” time intervals
  • Save generated reports in the data storage for later processing
  • Plan launching of a template at a certain time and delivery of the final report by e-mail
  • Make use of pre-defined report templates with the function description

You can arbitrarily export your data to some of more than 150 reports and export formats (tables, graphs, PDF, XLS, CSV, TXT, HELIOS, SAP,…)

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