Expansion modules for AutoGPS
AutoGPS is a very robust tool which is already capable of much more than just automatically generating the electronic logbook. We have separated two modules from AutoGPS entirely. These are the TEMS module, used for advanced monitoring of consignment transports, and the Routeplan module, substantially facilitating administration of orders and planning of trips to the individual orders.

On-line application which substantially facilitates to companies the administration related to processing of service routes. In one place, Routeplan cumulates all information on orders, plans service trips and the technician charged with solution of the orders can solve these orders by means of the mobile application on the trip.

TEMS system
The TEMS system is used for advanced monitoring of transport of valuable consignments. In addition to the current position, physical information on the environment, such as temperature, air humidity, air pressure, ambient lighting level or 3D orientation are transmitted to the TEMS system, including information on falls and impacts of the consignment.